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In Case You Missed It – Selfie Toast and Buy Direct!
Hello, Equiflexsleeve fans!!
It has been a BUSY few weeks for us! Rolex was a dream – more on that in a minute. First, we’d like to proudly announce that the Equiflexsleeve online store is OPEN FOR BUSINESS! Now you can buy the horse leg support products you know and love directly from us. Check it out and be sure to order your Equiflexsleeves today!
Now, onto our Rolex Recap. If you were watching Eventing Nation for news and results, you probably saw something about a selfie toaster and eventing superstar/social media queen, Lainey Ashker.
Maybe you were in Lexington and saw fans walking around in these t-shirts that said… wait, what? They got #toastedwithlainey at Rolex?
Needless to say, EQUIFLEXSLEEVE was behind this hilarious #selfietoast promotion. We enlisted the help of Eventing’s “Selfie Queen”, our sponsored rider Laine Ashker, and we all had a blast! Those who follow Laine on Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr or Twitter (…can you see why we chose a “hashtag campaign”?!) know how hard she’s been working at improving Al’s dressage work, and we were THRILLED when we saw that Lainey and Anthony Patch pulled off a 44.2 in the sandbox! It was Lainey’s best test of her career, at Rolex. So absolutely exciting for everyone at Laine Ashker Eventing! #GoAlGo
Thanks to everyone who came out to support us at our first rolex – we were “sponsor rookies” and we had an amazing time. We were joined by another Rolex Rookie – the “real” kind – in our sponsored rider Elisa Wallace of Wallace Eventing. We knew it would be a special Rolex when we checked in at the bar and saw that Elisa’s horse had a drink named after him. That’s how you know you’ve made it!
Elisa and Johnny had a fantastic Rolex, too, placing 17th, as the highest ranked rookies this year. A top 20 finish at Rolex is a great accomplishment for even the most seasoned Rolex veteran, and we are so proud to see Elisa and Johnny start their Rolex careers on top! Everyone in the eventing crowd will be paying close attention to the rising pair, and you can join in on the fun by watching Elisa’s cross country run via helmet cam.
Overall, Rolex was a great time for us and for our riders and fans. Stay tuned for the next big update from Equiflexsleeve, and in the meantime, keep on shopping, and keep on riding!
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